Thursday 18 July 2013

Light at the end of the tunnel


  • It's something which makes you believe that a difficult or unpleasant situation will end.
  • It's the end of a difficult period or situation.  

Example sentence:

It's been a very difficult period lately and I can see no light at the end of the tunnel now. But I still hope things will get better in the end.

Questions for you to answer:

  1. Have you ever experienced a situation when you could see no light at the end of the tunnel?
  2. What  would you say to somebody who seems to see no light at the end of the tunnel?
  3. Where do you think this picture was taken and how do you feel about it?


  1. What a beautiful picture! It seems like in some sort of shaft or empty sewage system, maybe some kind of piping or other technical facitily rather than the real tunnel for trains that is usually presented with this kind of idiom. However, it seems very optimistic, as the tunnel is clean, silvery, almost sterile and reminds me of high-tech architecture of which I am a great fan. Much better than the black smoked brick tunnel for trains in which you never known whether the train will not obsure the sight of the light at the end! Which reminds me...

    An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel, a pessimist sees the darkness in the tunnel, a realist sees the lights of the train, and the conductor see three assholes at the rails :)

    Which brings me to a question: Is the light at the tunnel always what it really is or does it depend on perspective?

  2. What an interesting and exhaustive answer! I can reveal that it is a real tunnel, but not for trains. It has something to do with trains, though.


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